This is the second part of an unforgettable trip to Asia, this will be about the switch from the soul of Asia, (…)
This is the second part of an unforgettable trip to Asia, this will be about the switch from the soul of Asia, (…)
There is no doubt that this is the decade of China both in terms of political and economic influence. China is (…)
Dezvoltarea economiei chineze si cresterea numarului de joburi in domeniul cyber security reprezinta cateva (…)
189 new multinational companies will emerge out of Romania in the next 15 years, shows a recent (…)
Microsoft va trimite o echipa independenta care sa investigheze conditiile de munca de la fabrica din China a KYE (…)
Intre 2001 si 2008, 2,4 milioane de locuri de munca din Statele Unite au fost desfiintate din cauza practicilor (…)
Romanian businesspersons are encouraged to seize the opportunities offered by Hong Kong. With the occasion of a (…)
Aventura Hong Kong a inceput putin inainte de miezul noptii, la ora obisnuita de conversatie cu partenerii (…)
48 de manageri din 19 state membre ale Uniunii Europene au fost selectati pentru a lua parte la cea de-a patra (…)