Q: I’d like to ask a philosophical question: I have been trying to get my business off the ground, and I (…)
Antreprenorii trebuie sa fie oameni curiosi din fire; cum altfel sa-mi explic faptul ca primesc atatea mesaje de (…)
Entrepreneurs are innately curious people, which must be why I receive mail from readers around the world asking (…)
My mother used to urge me to put on clean socks and underwear every day, reminding me, “You never know if (…)
Mama ma indemna sa-mi pun sosete curate si sa-mi schimb lenjeria de corp in fiecare zi, amintindu-mi de fiecare (…)
Sunt destul de batran incat sa iau in serios o recesiune majora; iar faptul ca am mai trecut prin asa ceva ma (…)
Recentul articol in care scriam despre importanta instituirii unui puternic etos al client service-ului intr-o (…)
My recent column on the importance of establishing an ethos of strong customer service that extends all the way (…)
Dintre toate greselile de exprimare care ma deranjeaza cu adevarat, putine se compara cu folosirea improprie a (…)