100 angajati ai Romaero, concediati
Guvernul va concedia 100 de angajati ai companiei de reparatii si intretinere a aeronavelor Romaero Bucuresti, (…)
Guvernul va concedia 100 de angajati ai companiei de reparatii si intretinere a aeronavelor Romaero Bucuresti, (…)
Microsoft va trimite o echipa independenta care sa investigheze conditiile de munca de la fabrica din China a KYE (…)
Lindab Romania va trimite in somaj 22 de angajati ai fabricii sale din Sibiu, urmand sa mute doua linii de (…)
As part of the strategy to extend on the Eastern European market, Genpact will inaugurate a center in Cluj-Napoca. (…)
Fiat plans to lay off 5.000 employees in Italy, more than it estimated, and could move its automotive industry (…)
The Austrian Gutmann Bank, specialized in private banking, will open in May an office in Bucharest. This year, the (…)
Some companies have reassigned the tasks of the employees who were laid off, others are going through internal (…)
Peste 1.326.000 de romani au directionat 2% din impozitul pe venit catre entitati non-profit, bucurestenii fiind pe (…)
UniCredit Group estimeaza o rata a somajului de 7% anul viitor, in scadere fata de 8,5% in cursul acestui an. (…)